5 Beliefs About Gamers That Just Aren’t True

In the first two weeks of the Hogwarts Legacy launch, Warner Bros sold 12 million copies of the game to amass a whopping $850 million in revenue. For comparison, when Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 2 smashed all previous opening weekend records, it grossed “just” $168.5 million.
Despite the undeniable widespread success of gaming, certain myths about gamers persist: “Only young boys play games.” “They don’t know how to socialize.” “Gamers have no future.”
These myths aren’t just unfair—they’re factually false. In fact, the gaming community is full of people from all walks of life, and a gaming hobby can even pave the way to college scholarships and careers.
Today, we’re looking at some prevailing myths about gamers and discovering the truth about gamers in our town and beyond.

Myth #1: All Gamers Are Men
First and foremost, gaming is a community for all.
Gamers are traditionally thought of as male-only or male-dominated. That might have been the case in the early 2000s, but gaming is now a hobby that men and women enjoy.
In 2022, men only accounted for 52% of all video game players, according to Statista.
One possible reason for the growing interest among women could be the more social aspect of modern gaming. Twitch and other streaming platforms provide a great place for gamers to connect with others.
Plus, gaming isn’t confined to “masculine” war-time simulations or first-person shooter games. Today’s games are as diverse as the gamers who enjoy them.

Myth #2: Gamers Can’t Make Money
The video game industry is one of the fastest growing industries, expected to reach around $300 billion by 2025.
This industry has a large influx of money from commercials, celebrity endorsements, toys, merchandise, and other promotional products. Of course, video games and consoles also bring in a large amount of money from consumers.
However, the money in this industry is not limited to those who create these products. Gamers themselves can and do make a living playing, reviewing, and even creating video games.
With the rise of streaming platforms, gamers can play their favorite games live for a community of followers to watch. These streamers run ads and even get sponsorships to promote products, allowing them to make a steady monthly income.
The highest earning gamers who compete in competitions and have sponsorships make over $10 million a year.
Platforms like YouTube also allow gamers to dissect, review and comment on video games. Again, these gamers run ads and promote products to generate income. As with all work, being a streamer or uploading videos on YouTube takes commitment. But in 2023, this is a proven method to make a living.
Some gamers even took their passion to new heights and created their own video games. This has allowed for a genre of video games to appear called “indie games.” These video games can generate money for:
The gamers that create them.
The gamers that stream or review them, and in some cases.
The gamers that make additional games within the game!
It’s a grand cycle that cements this industry as a place where gamers can make money and be taken seriously for their passion.

Myth #3: Only Kids Are Gamers
A good handful of serious gamers are indeed college-aged and younger, but this trend is quickly changing.
According to Statista, 40% of all gamers are over 34 years old.
The simplest answer for why the younger generation makes up the more significant portion of gamers is the time commitment. Adults with established lives cannot put in the time commitment to become full-time gamers. At the same time, the younger generation has more time to spend honing their craft and passion.
But with the rise of opportunities to make a living, it’s becoming easier for adults to devote time to gaming, too. Most adults even have an advantage as they can bring their previous careers and experiences to streaming and video-making to connect with others.
Of course, not all gamers are trying to play professionally or make money. Many just enjoy gaming casually to relax and unwind after work. And many parents use gaming with their children to connect over a shared hobby!

Myth #4: Gamers Have No Social Life
While there’s a myth that gamers live with their parents and don’t get out into the world, gamers are actually quite social. Ask any gamer what the best part of the video game industry is, and many will say the gaming community.
Gaming events draw in fans by the thousands. In fact, Gamescom, one of the industry’s biggest events, brings in almost 400,000 people from around the world.
From these gaming events (like conventions and competitions) to in-game communications to platforms like Discord and Twitch, gamers often connect with one another in person or online. The internet has the ability to connect us all, and gamers are no different!

Myth #5: All Gamers Are Tech Geniuses
Like most passionate about any craft or hobby, many gamers are knowledgeable about the technical aspects of video games.
Most can tell you the differences between each gaming console, and others even build their own computers to play video games. And many gamers do pursue a career in tech! However, an interest in video games only translates to mastering some aspects of technology, and gamers can pursue careers in various fields.
One aspect of technology that gamers know about is the internet, specifically what is best for gaming. And there is no debate among gamers that fiber internet is the best internet available! With fast speeds and less lag, gamers with fiber internet have the connection they need to compete and win—whether for fun or cash!

To learn more about how S&Ts advanced, high-speed internet can power up your gaming and streaming service, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


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