How Rural Broadband Helps Agriculture and Rural Economies

The values and traditions of hard work, community, and land stewardship are a core part of rural American life. Traits like these have made America an agricultural economic powerhouse.

And to help boost agriculture and rural America’s economy, higher speeds and fiber internet provided by S&T makes a tremendous difference through internet speeds just as fast and reliable as any central metropolitan area. Across the country, more and more rural towns are receiving high-speed broadband internet for the first time, making local businesses more competitive than ever and improving the overall quality of life.

We’re highlighting four critical ways high-speed internet improves agriculture and helps our communities and families stay competitive in the global marketplace.

1. Information in Real-Time for Farmers and Ranchers

High-speed internet’s improved communication speeds and reliability fosters economic growth in rural communities and helps farmers and ranchers manage one of their most precious resources—time—far better than slower, less-dependable internet typically available. And real-time information is just as crucial to the agricultural economy as it is to Wall Street’s financiers.

From detailed weather updates and drought conditions to current commodities markets’ price and trading indicators, fiber internet delivers up-to-the-minute information as it happens, keeping our rural communities in the know and economically competitive.

2. Live-Stream Video Conferencing with Veterinarians and Other Experts

Any rancher or farmer raising livestock knows that every minute counts in an animal health emergency. And faster and more reliable communications with veterinarians are crucial, especially for acute care needs.

Reliable broadband speeds have enabled advanced, high-quality live-stream video conferencing in veterinary emergencies and are often helpful for less-acute animal health and wellness needs. And combining video imagery in real-time with the expert advice of a veterinary consultation through a fiber internet connection can make all the difference in diagnosing illnesses and even providing animal treatment.

High-speed broadband can be a literal lifesaver on the farm or ranch.

3. Improved Connections with the USDA and Other Governmental Agencies

Better connectivity to the thousands of USDA scientists, agents, inspectors, and administrators is necessary to keep farms functioning and ensure crops and other goods make it to market safely and unspoiled. High-speed internet helps facilitate that connectivity far better than telephone or mail correspondence.

For example, paperwork and approvals can be arranged, submitted, and received faster with a reliable internet connection. In addition, today’s broadband improves—and speeds up—overall communications with the USDA and other key government agencies and makes working with these agencies much easier so farmers and ranchers can carry on with their work more efficiently.

4. Faster Communication with Insurance Companies—and Faster Claim Resolution

Insurance companies often need fast information and answers to questions, especially when farmers and ranchers depend on them for a claim. Access to reliable internet means that vital data and materials insurance adjusters need, such as photos, documents, and signed paperwork, will be sent and received far faster than through the mail or courier.

In short, high-speed broadband helps rural communities get the resources they need to get back on track after emergencies and other crises farms face.

The above examples are just a few ways high-speed broadband serves agriculture and rural America and helps make it a better place to live and do business. S&T is proud to do our part to make our area farming and ranching economies more robust and more competitive.

For more information about how S&T’s high-speed internet enhances our local communities, follow us on our social page and click on


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